Choosing articles by skill in |
Many of's texts will come with a formative comprehension quiz that uses multiple choice and short answer test items to provide teachers with some quick comprehension data. The passages could easily be used in interventions over specific skills, or as a form of diagnostic assessment. also provides unit lessons and ideas for longer novels and has quite a database for 5th and 6th grade organized by genre. If you have access to the books, becomes a valuable teaching tool for small group work.
NewsELA leveled article |
2) NewsELA is a free, non-fiction current event news site organized by grade level, reading standard, or topic. Signing up for NewsELA is easy (a few clicks if you have Gmail). A pro account is required for some of the advanced features of NewsELA, like assigning articles and quizzes to students.
However, one of the things I like is that the articles can be adjusted to accommodate multiple lexile levels (see picture at right). Do you want a few small reading groups to read and discuss the same article? No problem! Have the groups customize the lexile by clicking on the appropriate lexile button next to the article.
There is also an option to take a multiple choice comprehension quiz or a short answer, open-ended writing prompt for students.
3) is a non-profit website created especially for teachers to use with reading. There are lesson plans, a variety of texts, read-alouds, vocabulary, and all sorts of great materials for teaching reading. Best of all, everything on the site is provided at no cost. The site claims to be specifically designed to be used with struggling readers.
For those looking for research into best practices, has a database for you, as well!
Zing texts are filtered by reading skill |
A nice feature in Zing! is the ability for students to "turn" digital pages and take open-ended and multiple choice quizzes after reading a book. Students and teachers can also write reviews for books that anyone can reference prior to reading the book. With such a large and varied selection of books, Zing! looks to be a great resource for reading and writing interventions. I would warn that the navigation of the site would require some direction from the teacher, especially for younger students.
5) MackinVia is a tool similar to Zing!, in that you can assign books from a digital library based on numerous factors. Thanks to the AEA here in Iowa, MackinVia is free to Iowa school districts. This means that teachers have access to many of the advanced features for assigning books, creating classes, and tracking assessments. I see this as a great resource for independent reading or guided reading small groups.
If you'd like some assistance planning and using any of these resources, and you are a teacher in a district I serve, please don't hesitate to email!